Let’s Grow Together

A Video Welcome from Jim & Jamie!


Become The Best You

We invite you to join us for four quarterly sessions that regularly include topics such as personal care & leadership, tools for organizing yourself and others, working on clarifying vision, execution of annual goals, and other strategies to improve yourself and those around you.

Watch Yourself Grow



Create new habits to supercharge your health and feel amazing!


Revamp your life, shed your old skin, and become a brand new you!


Be the leader your circle needs. Learn the skills to push yourself into becoming the best leader around.


Learn new perspectives and techniques to take your relationships to the next level.

Our Story

In November 2017 Jamie Holtom said yes to join Jim on a trip to Nashville to attend a 2 day Free to Focus seminar by Michael Hyatt and this was a start of a journey that has changed their lives forever.

Since then Jamie and Jim have been participating in a quarterly leadership development training put on by Michael Hyatt and Company. On top of these quarterly sessions Jim and Jamie began an accountability and support system that has included all areas of their life and leadership.

Some of the techniques they have used are daily text message from Jim on completing his daily exercise, to sharing of weekly previews from the full focus planners, Jamie texting Jim on achieving tasks of being early for meetings, monthly, quarterly and annual goal sharing and development plus much more.

Both have been active goal setters and achievers over the years but neither have accomplished so much towards living and leading a fulfilled life. It has been quite a journey!


Meet Jim & Jamie


Jim is the founder and CEO of Cornerstone Building and Property Services Inc. Cornerstone is a general contractor and project management firm that services clients across Canada and the United States. Cornerstone has approximately 30 people on their team. Jim has been married to Sherry for over 40 years. In addition to serving and leading at Cornerstone Jim is also active in the community where he is a great blessing to many!


Jamie is the lead minister at North Bramalea United Church (NBUC) in Brampton where he has served for over 25 years. NBUC is a growing mainline evangelical church with over 15 people on their team and over 500 people attending worship weekly. Jamie is an amazing communicator and constant encourager to everyone who knows him. Jamie has been married to Katrina for 26 years and has 3 children Leah, Cameron and Caleb.

Our Why

In 2020 Jamie and Jim decided what they were doing was too good to keep a secret and started to share their learnings, struggles and lessons learned to people that wanted to grow by launching so “Growing Together In Life and Leadership”. They are focused on equipping not only existing marketplace and ministry leaders with their technics and learns but they both have a heart for youth adults that are just getting started in their life and leadership.

What People Are Saying


“I’ve found the quarterly meetings good not only for planning out the next quarter, but also for the incredible experience and insights that Jamie and Jim are able to share with the group. The monthly check-ins are another great way this group is able to grow together and support each other.”

— Tom MacNeil

Emmanuel United Church, Brampton

“I found Growing Together in Life and Leadership challenges me to keep my short and long term visions in sight. The weekly check-in with my small group encourages me as I work on my goals. Jamie and Jim's passion, energy and commitment to the process is contagious so we all get excited about leadership and growth.”

— Linda Wheler

Trinity United Church, Newmarket

“Growing Together in Life and Leadership taught the importance of goal setting, vision planning and building supportive relationships. Meeting with colleagues and other professionals allowed for mutual learning and a deeper appreciation for the role of effective leadership in any organization.”

— Tracy Crick-Butler

Trinity United Church, Ingersol

Personal Story From

Growing Together in Life & Leadership


  • Jim is healthier then anytime in his life losing over 80 pounds because of this Jamie is working out more than ever.

  • Jamie is more focused and no longer does email after work and has joined Jim on not having email on his phone.


  • They both have reorganized their organizations in preparation for increased growth and fulfilling their purpose.

  • They both are living a more balanced healthier life with still lots of room for growth.

  • They both truly believe that their future is bigger than their pasts and that the “Best Is Yet To Come!”

  • Jamie spent time in reflection and adjusted his mindset that he had an abundance of time even to be on time or even be early for meetings. He now can report that he shows up ready to have a meeting, unhurried and prepared to be the best he can be for that meeting!